Contact US
How can we help?
Send us a message
Grace – 0408 158 275
45 Old Homebush Rd, Cawdor, Qld 4352
Monday – Friday 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturdays by appointment
Got a question?
Frequently Asked
Do you stack the Firewood?
No, we do not stack we tip the wood off with our tip truck. Or discover our wheelie bin option.
How big are the pieces?
Average size is around 2 or 3 litre bottle of milk.
Where is the Firewood sourced?
All our firewood is Ironbark all sustainably sourced in Queensland. The firewood is the by- product of the logging we do for the Timber Industry.
How many metres of Firewood in 1 tonne?
There is 2 metres in 1 tonne of Firewood approx.
Probably start with those four for now.